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Every summer Butler Armsden Architects hosts middle school students from the SummerBridge program at University High School for Career Day. This year we were delighted to have 10 students visit our office.

The students began the day with an introduction and tour of the office, had one-on-one breakout sessions with staff architects, and took in a lecture and slideshow lead by Lewis Butler before enjoying a pizza lunch. In the afternoon Lewis lead them on walking tour of Pacific Heights to take in and learn about various architectural styles. They capped off the day with a visit to the job site of one of our projects currently under construction, a William Wurster house overlooking the San Francisco Bay.

For over 30 years, SummerBridge has provided tuition-free academic enrichment and advocacy to motivated but underserved middle school students, making the best educational opportunities available to students with limited resources. Please visit the University High School's website to read more about this terrific program.

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